Sunday 5 February 2017

My Goals for 2017

I have read in several places that people tend to stick to their personal life goals if they make it public, as people feel really accountable towards achieving them once it is public. While, I do not really always miss on achieving my goals, I must admit that sometimes they do take a back-seat due to other priorities, so much so that they are  completely forgotten. I usually make a mental note of my goals and never put them down on paper. This year I would like to see if it really works to publish my personal life goals and if I would achieve most of them. It also depends on whether people would actually read my blog and if my goals are going to interest others who might happen to bump in to my blog to make me feel accountable towards them. Well, I have decided to try nevertheless.

This year, all my goals are going to revolve around a common theme- Finishing unfinished business.

This would mean:

1. Finishing reading books that I stopped reading half way or those that I bought meaning to read but did not get around to. I have loads of these. I stopped reading some books as they were boring and some because I wanted to read them when the time and setting was perfect. With passing time, I have learnt that there is no perfect time for reading. Any time is perfect or a book makes any time perfect to read. I have already started working towards this goal. I have made a list of books which I must finish reading and I am really looking forward to finish reading and move on to newer books.

2. Finishing off my half done craft projects. I have started many art and craft projects in the past few years but have not been able to finish them either due to laziness or extreme "busy-ness".  I am determined to take them all to a conclusion in 2017. Again, I have made a list of these projects and based on my interest levels in each of them, have decided which ones to finish first. I will try to post these on the blog once done.

3. Finishing trying out cooking the huge number of recipes that I keep marking to myself favourites to read and try later. However, I have not even looked back once to see what I have marked. I kept waiting for an occasion to try those out. Again, with experience, I have learnt that I do not have to wait for an occasion (what if they turn out to be disastrous- it would make the "occasion" very painful) to try these.

4. Finishing off writing in the journal I am currently writing in. I try and write as and when I find the time. I just need to make it a habit to write very regularly. My friends who had started journalling at about the same time as me have moved on to their 3rd or 4th journal while I am still writing in my first. Mind you, my handwriting is much tinier than theirs- still...I do not want to be so far behind even if it is not a competition.

5. Taking care of myself. This is an ongoing thing for every one. However, I specifically mention this here as I have stopped taking care of myself the way I used to once up on a time. This is partly due to laziness, boredom and work related priorities. I used to run 5km in 30 mins and walk 10000 steps every day for some time. However, I stopped tracking them and completely or just got too busy to take care of my health and this should be a priority for everyone. I also started consuming some unhealthy food which makes me too lethargic to do anything. I have also stopped looking well groomed. In addition, I need to focus on a good work-life balance. I really need to take care of myself in 2017!

6. Regularly updating this blog. I have several half-written posts or posts in draft which I need to review and publish. However, due to the want of time or sheer laziness, I have not published them. So, this year, do not be surprised if you see a flurry of posts on a given day. You know what may have happened ;).

7. Miscellaneous personal projects- I wish I could be more elaborate about this but due to their very personal nature I am not revealing them here. However, these are extremely important and probably more important than any of the above mentioned goals. Some of them are about travelling :). I would write about them once I accomplish them as then it would not be this anymore.

I have a whole bunch of professional goals as well but I know we tend to meet them or at least work on them. I would love to hear from others on their goals. This is it from me for now :).

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